Hello Everyone!
I'm the owner of this 1979 Arrow IV. It's in the shop getting all new Garmin avionics installed, and also a Tru Trak autopilot.
I love to defy gravity!
1979 Arrow IV
I love to defy gravity!
1979 Arrow IV
Awesome, dude! When it gets done post a before and after panel pic or two. Beautiful airplane, thanks for putting up the picture.
Have you owned it long? Thanks for being a member!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
What Garmin products? Great looking bird!
I love to defy gravity!
1979 Arrow IV
You're the first person I know who's purchased a 255 nav/com. Please let us know how you like it when you've got it installed.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Scott, I've got a 255 GNC in my cherokee 180. It's really nice but I tend not to use the nav all that much so far. It does have one cool feature. If you connect it to a GPS source it will give you local frequency's to pick from. Even if you don't, it still can remember them for you and has a large data base for that. I also have a Narco 12D that just sort of stares at me with a few digits missing. Not much reason to use the Narco.
Hi Jim,
Thanks for the info on the 255. I think most of us are enamored with the new features available in that radio but there's sticker shock to go with it. Since you're doing alot of avionics at once I hope you got a great price!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
I love to defy gravity!
1979 Arrow IV
HI Woody,
Sorry about the "doozy" bill, I've had a couple of those myself, lol.
Hopefully they can get the install tray and connector while the radio's backordered. On my Arrow, the previous owner removed the vacuum system and got a 30 pound useful load increase. I'm going to be curious to see what your final weight change is going to be.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Old panel vs. new panel

I love to defy gravity!
1979 Arrow IV
Very Nice!!! I’m about to receive one of those doozy bills as well!!!!
beautiful plane!
Welcome to the club
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
Scott, my Arrow lost 28 pounds with removal of vacuum system and old avionics. They weighed the plane last Thursday for new weight and balance data.
I love to defy gravity!
1979 Arrow IV
Hi Woody,
Thanks for sharing this, maybe others will be motivated to do the same.
That matches with the experience on my Arrow, which lost 30. This is huge!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
I hope others at least consider replacing some of the old avionics in their planes with new stuff. While I still have some analog instruments, I see why glass panels are so popular.
I love to defy gravity!
1979 Arrow IV
Thanks again!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Great pictures...did you have any problems interfacing the G5's with the autopilot...i had to go to the Aspen to interface with my autopilot.
I have a 1967 Cherokee 140 that is getting the ADS-B in and out installed this week.Removing old ADF and Loran equipment and replacing both Com antennas. My back up Narco radio and King transponder are stacked together on the far right side of the instrument panel. Do they make a mount to pivot these radios toward the pilot? I am not sure i want to move the transponder into the middle stack area because I want to put mount my iPad there.
Hi, there are no pre-built mounts for the right side of the panel for anything other than an IPad, sorry! How about posting pics of your plane and panel, before and after. We'd love to see it! Good luck on the install.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Hi, there are no pre-built mounts for the right side of the panel for anything other than an IPad, sorry! How about posting j
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Hey Woody218 did you get rid of that King 170b radio???
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
Hi Rich,
Are you in need of one? I have 2 available...
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Yes Scott! I was going to use mine as a backup, when I get my new avionics installed in March and now the volume knob is not working! Not really wanting to buy a new back up radio like a Garmin 255. Was hoping to use this 170b but now it’s giving me trouble..... are you willing to part with one and what kind of $$ do you need for it?
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
Hi Rich,
Make me an offer and I'll probably accept it, lol. The two that I have came out of my Arrow last summer and work well.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Scott I looked on the web and the price of them is all over the place! From $500.00 down to a beat up looking radio for $120.00. How about $200.00?
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
Hi Rich,
Sounds fine. Send me your address to scotts @jonespublishing.com.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
I have a LORAN you could have real cheap!!!
I love to defy gravity!
1979 Arrow IV
The government is re-thinking the previous administration's dismantling of LORAN-C. E-LORAN may be the solution to "all the eggs in the GPS basket" concept. Doubt your (or my own) LORAN-C receiver will work with E-LORAN but who knows!!
Jim Torley
1969 Arrow 200
Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)
The two LORAN formats are not compatible. E-LORAN is much more precise than LORAN-C.
I love to defy gravity!
1979 Arrow IV
I cut 13lbs of LORAN cable out of my plane!!!! It’s not going back in!!!!
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
Yes, E-LORAN has different data frames for one thing. But the premise is good...ground-based signals of VLF that would be difficult to jam (except by lightning!!). Better than CONSOLAN and some of the chains may still be intact...at least along the coastal areas. I recall when the mid-continent chain was established so that we in the middle of the country had good signals. Trips from Colorado to the west coast using LORAN-C navigation matched or exceeded GPS...of course that was while SA was implemented!!
Jim Torley
1969 Arrow 200
Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)
Loran for backup would definitely get my vote. Much better than VOR.
I still have my Loran unit in my basement as a momento... or is that paperweight? Or maybe a wheel-chock lol
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot