Switch panel with lights for PA 28 180

Looking for a lighted switch panel for the LDG light, fuel pump, Beacon, Pitot heat switches. Now that the time has changed I find my self landing more at night and I have to use a flash light to see the switch panel. Does anyone know if there is a way to replace these switches with ones that are illuminated? I'm open to other suggestions here as well. Just a foot note.. my in cabin light currently isn't working either (hence the flash light) and I can't seem to trouble shoot what the problem is. It was working before I put in my audio panel but is now INOP.


  • Check the ground first, then circuit breaker attachments.
  • I installed the Aveo Rockrack. They are slightly wider than the original. I also used the Maxdim dimmers which take up less room.


  • Great looking panel... Thanks for the suggestion...
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