Hello All. I am researching purchasing an early 80's Saratoga; am looking for advice on this forum. Am leaning towards a turbo but the higher maintenance concerns me. Are they quite maintenance intensive? Are there years to favour or avoid? Other pitfalls to watch out for specific to older Saratogas? Any and all advice welcome!


  • Don't know where you live, but I have owned both turbo and non turbo. Presently have an 88 saratoga sp. Generally speaking, if you aren't going to fly high often or need it cause you live near the Rockies you really don't get the benefit out of the purpose for a turbo, but do get the added expense. One other consideration with a turbo is you can't chop and drop. You need to plan your descents well in advance so you don't shock cool the engine and when on the ground if you want your turbo to last you need to let it cool down 5 or so minutes at idle before shutting down. Doesn't sound like much but both can be a pain. ATC on IFR likes to keep you up high as long as possible so you have to remain vigilant that you are in a turbo and need gradual long descents for the health of the engine.
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