Combined taxi & landing light replacement for PA28

Does anyone know if they make a Combined taxi & landing light replacement for PA28? if not, what do you think is the best replacement light for a PA28-140 1972?


  • I replaced mine with the Whelen drop in LED light. Much mroe expensive but the illumination improvment is worth every penny (plus the 10k hour life helps)
  • Do you tend to use it for both taxing and Landings and takeoffs? I was kind of seeing if there was a low beam taxi light combined with a high beam landing light.
  • I don't think I have ever seen a low beam/high beam configuration, my Archer of course has no dimmer switch. I agree with the Whelen solution an have installed one of the LEDs on the 181.
  • you must be careful on putting an unapproved landing light in a Cherokee 140 with the light in the air cleaner. Check the STC for application. since there was a AD in place most bulb mfrs have shyed away from that particular installation
  • Thank you for the heads up. That would be a great invention wouldn't :) combined taxi/landing light, kind of like a low/high beam in a car.
  • Here is the PA28 AD for changing the mount of the landing light to be on a riveted bracket rather than directly on the filter: AD 96-10-01 R1

    I think as long as you've complied with that AD (which you should have by now) then you should be fine to do the Whelen bulb installation as a part of owner performed maintenance and just a logbook entry.
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