What is this Arrow III repair


Looking at a used 1977, Arrow III, and trying to understand how this repair (10 years ago) could potentially affect value / safety?

Copied direct from technical logs:

"Stop drilled the crack in the Right wing nose rib assembly as needed, fabricated and installed a "L" doubler on the right wing nose rib assembly on the lower leg at station 36.92 right by riveting, the doubler is approximately 3.4 inches long, 0.7 inches wide on the lower bend and 1.0 inches wide on the upper bend. This repair was done in reference with AC 43-13-1B Chapter 4, section 4"

Having looked over the aircraft, I am not even sure how a mechanic could even gain access to make or to inspect this repair - Station 36.92 looks like it is under the "wing walk" where the pilot / passenger enters the aircraft.

Anyone know what would cause damage like this, and how it would even be identified for repair during an annual - i.e. what symptom would make an aircraft mechanic realise that this needed to be fixed?

Is this the 'Soft Wing Walk' problem and if so, is this a good (and permanent) fix?
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