New member 2 pipers
Hi all
New here. Thought I sound say Hi!. Unfortunately, don't have any photos handy due to a phone reset but will get some up shortly. I purchased a J3 on floats in 2016. Loving it. Still have yet to get a fish in it though. ...I have been refusing to use a boat. ...another post
Last year, I decided to try for my commercial licence and found a1974 Warrior to use. Love the Warrior! It has a 160 hp engine in it so kinda a W2. I have a partner in that one who is working on his PPL.
I have owned a Cessna 150 then a Tomahawk in the past too. Planes are getting bigger...Pipers have been my favorite ...not sure where I am going with it all but I am enjoying the journey.
Ontario, Canada
Hello Shawn from Ontario! Welcome and thanks for your comments! By all means do post some pics, we love them! And if there's anything I can do for you please let me know.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Hello. Love to see/discuss aircraft! Lots of levels of experience here...especially Scott!
Thanks for the kind words. Going to the cub tomorrow. Will try to get some photos.
Ok everyone, Shawn's on a mission for us to get some pics!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
What can I say?...another cub in the morning on the beach...
The back story on this photo. I bought the cub on floats,did my endorsement, and then winter came in. My AME is only on the water, ie, no runway at his hangar. During that first winter, we put it on wheels and had to install the gear, brakes, tail wheel, etc as everything to do with wheels had been stripped off of it. The plane had been built up to run minnows (commercially) and when I bought it, it was just a float plane. I wanted tail wheel time and I wanted to strip and repaint the floats so over the winter, we did that work (except paint the floats. ) But then I heard on the news that the icebreaker was coming in to free up the shipping lanes so we had to get it from the harbour out to our local club strip while we could use the harbour with wheels, Luckily, the airfield had cleared enough of snow to land on, I also needed a tail wheel endorsement....I wrapped that up that spring (last year) and then we put it back on floats out at the club where they have the water aerodrome and it has been on floats since. Not sure if I will put it on wheels again this year. But I acquired skiis this summer for it so I might want to try ski flying. I hear it is fun, but a pita with regards to heating, getting stuck, dealing with slush, etc.
The next morning I went to for my local weather and there is my plane taking off from the harbour. A local photographer happened to be in the area and shot a random photo of this plane taking off on the ice. Kind of cool to stumble on it like that. :-) I got ahold of him and he sent me the images he had but they appeared to be really low resolution (maybe for emailing to me? ) so this photo of the screen is the best I have.
And since I am uploading photos I found in my computer, here is the Warrior. Not much to look at....these photos were from the seller

I have managed to pull the Loran out and have access to an Apollo GPS (which slides in to the rack) but debating if it is even worth trying. I am not sure if the Apollo Morrow works or can be updated. Most of my flying, (what little I have done in this plane), as most of you, is done with the aid of a simple tablet and app.
The 11A has been replaced with a TKM MX11 and that oversized panel cover has been replaced with a better fit and nicer looking one. And the seats were recovered as the old ones were really bad....Otherwise, not much done to the interior . We are considering a G5 but this is expected to be just a training platform ie, not held for long so "return on investment" comes to mind. I think I am secretly hoping one of the instruments fails so we can justify the G5...:-)
The plane is a bit of an ugly duckling and it would be fun to pimp it out but the idea was own it till we finish our respective licenses, and then sell. Having said that, I do like the Warrior model. Not sure what I would go to. I need to find one that alleviates my wife's fear of flying and I don't think that plane exists, unfortunately.
Hi Shawn, thanks for the pics. We love our airplanes and it's hard to beat a Warrior. I owned N47952, a 1977 Warrior for a long time and loved it. In fact, I took it to Nassau from Milwaukee once. Here's a pic.

Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
I see it “lives” in California now!
Hi, I sold it in the mid-1980's if memory serves and the new owners kept it a few years and then I think it's had one owner since moving to California. I loved that airplane!
I caught my wife with that plane, lol 
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot