Cowling Cracks
Any suggestions on how to fix and prevent this from happening. Seems like every time I fly there are more cracks.
Kurt Johnson
Any suggestions on how to fix and prevent this from happening. Seems like every time I fly there are more cracks.
Kurt Johnson
Looks like fiberglass, right? It's repairable but you have to find out what's causing it. Probably vibration or loose camlock's. Put it on and wiggle it and see if it moves. If not, it might be an engine mount problem. If in doubt, see your A&P.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Piper put a Butt load of filler on the fiberglass back in the day. I have a 1971 and it was horrible, Cracks and structural issues. I made the best of it two years ago (A&P), fixed the soft spots took as much of the filler off as I could and two years later it's just started cracking again. At least it is structurally sound now.

Edit: I figured out the pictures...
Crap, What is the procedure for posting pics here?
Edit: Got It!!!
Okay, good!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot