Any Ideas on where a Cherry-Lok rivet tool (puller) can be rented?
I may need to use some Cherry-Lok rivets where I cannot get sufficient access for a rivet bucking bar in order to set universal solid rivets. The prices I am seeing to purchase the Cherry tool look unaffordable to me (especially for a seldom used tool). Looking for helpful suggestions.
Meighan Chisholm Sr.
I'm not aware of any company that rents tools although I will check asap with our association A&P, Erich Rempert. However, have you tried talking to your local shop? Any tool that I need my local shop has gladly just given me for a weekend.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Hi, here's a response from our A&P, Erich Rempert. See attached.
I assume you mean Cherry brand pulled rivets.
If so, I have used this Craftsman swivel head pulled for years with good results.
See the attached picture.
~Erich Rempert, A&P Consultant
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot has the identical riveter for. $10.99
Thanks for the help!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Scott, have you ever utilized a pneumatic rivet tool? Just curious how they work..says 2000 lbs pulling force!
No I haven't. If it's important I can ask Erich. Is this just a casual question?
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Casual for me...for sure. I do have a fellow airport board member building a Super Cub...
Ok, thanks for the clarification.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Thank you all for the suggestions. I was able to use a similar puller to the Craftsman shown by Erich Rempert successfully (although Cherry publishes notes, cautions, and warnings that you may have to rework them if they do not install and inspect OK). Used Cherry-Max for the high strength ratings. Cherry has other series (N series?) that are weaker so they are limited in their application. Tough problem was finding supplier that would sell less that 100 packs on the long grip sizes. I was able to obtain from Spencer. The sizes I needed were longer than those routinely shown on-line by suppliers such as Spruce.
Good to know, much thanks for the update. Merry Christmas.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot