Made the Piper Magazine December Issue!!!!
Show & Tell yep that’s what I’m going to do!!!
I am once again very honored and humbled that you, Scott and Rocky chose my restoration project for a write up in the AWSOME Piper Magazine...... it would seam that my write up on the restoration project inspired a new section in this Forum! “Member Restorations” who would have ever thought that? Not me! When I purchased this 1970 Cherokee 140 it was a means to an end, for my son and I to attain our PPL. What this plane has become for our family is so much more than that. We as a family have always been involved in avaition, my father and mother both in the Air Force my dad got his PPL in 1974 in a Cherokee 140, me as a Jet Engine Mechanic in the Air Force and a mechanic at Cypress Aviation (the old Piper Plant in Lakeland FL) and a (life time student) as my wife calls me. I am going to finally take that check ride this time!!!!! My wife’s father as a navigator in WWII and my wife as a CFII/ME and a Airbus Captain for Jet Blue. My oldest son is attending Central Florida Aerospace Academy for High School..... Aviation runs DEEP in the Denton family. As I’m sure it does for a lot of us! This so called means to an end 140 has become so much more, it has rekindled my dream of aviation. For me personally getting my hands on this project after not wrenching on an airplane in 20 years or flying one for 12 years, has been remarkable. This little project has opened my eyes to a world of aviation that I thought I had lost years ago. As well as a part of the aviation community I didn’t realize existed. I have met many new friends over the last year and a half, all of which were eager to help me realize this new dream and all that it can be. It has been a conduit for my son and I to communicate and spend some Hangar Time together. As well as for my wife and I, and to have our friends hang out at the hangar for a party or two. We had forgotten how much fun we had just hanging out at the airport on a Friday or Saturday night, back before kids. Now to see our son taking lessons in an aircraft that I restored back to flying status, I can’t put it into words. It is even greater than the feeling I had when I called Clear Prop for the first time in it, or pulled the yoke back at 65mph for the first time. This little project 140 we affectionately call “Hi-Jacked” (NTSB states that it was hi-jacked in 1975) is one I will always hold dear to my heart. Thank again to Scott and Rocky and everyone in this forum. Keep posting all your projects in the Member Restorations no matter how big or small. You never know who you will inspire to take on a little project they been thinking about doing!
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
I know you have already read it but just Incase

Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
New forum category announcement

Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
Write up page 1

Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
Write up page 2
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
Write up page 2

Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
Now you're famous, Rich! Can I have your autograph? Diana, our president, Rocky our editor and I are very pleased that you're so happy with the magazine issue. You've worked hard and are an inspiration to so many other members. Now you can go out and fly your baby, you and your son. How cool is that! My first son, Preston, became an A&P because of me. You and your son can follow suit. Thanks for your posting and pics!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Great to see this “in print’
we were thrilled and honored to have such great before/after pictures and hope you set the standard for our Member Restoration section! Thank you Rich it was our pleasure.
Digital Product Manager
Piper Owner Society