9" of Snow: It may be a March before I can get my hangar door open!
Every year about this time my hangar door freezes to the ground after a big snow and cold snap. It looks like this is the week. Oh well, no flying for a while!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Scott, I feel your pain! My hangar doors are "sliders", wooden frames with corrugated sheet metal skin. The melting snow drips off the roof (very little overhang) and forms an ice layer on the ground that would lock the corrugated metal in place! After 35 years in the hangar and cursing the winter and the #$%^ doors every one of those years I finally took a "Sawz-All" and trimmed about 4 inches of metal off the bottoms of the three doors thus preventing the ice from locking into the corrugations. That appears to work...so far! So with my snowblower and a chain on my PowerTow I am (eventually) able to get the Arrow out to fly although snowblowing approximately 150 feet to the taxiway still takes a while! So...good luck and hope for an early thaw!!
Jim Torley
1969 Arrow 200
Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)
That's exactly what happens to my hangar, lol. Oh well
Patience is a virtue!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Yes, spring will come...even to Wisconsin!
Jim Torley
1969 Arrow 200
Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)