New Member, PA-31 Navajo
I have recently brought a Navajo. Aircraft has the 2AC engines. Aircraft has done 6700 hrs airframe, It has ER tanks and winglets. I am currently getting its annual and 100hr check done. Who knows it may even fly.
Any advice on upgrades would be appreciated, especially panel. Maybe lighting also. It has GNS530 non-waas. Also looking for ADS-B thoughts. I will probably go for in and out.
Cheers John
If you are doing the "full-Monty" upgrade I would suggest you replace the 530 with GTN-750s there are several ADS-B products which will complement this setup. You should also look at dual G5s to get rid of the vacuum system instruments.
Also check your elevator horns for signs of stress. And most of all welcome aboard.
Hello John! Lucky guy buying a Navaho. I'm envious
We have a tremendous amount of experience among all of us that participate on this forum. In two of my aircraft (A Seneca II and my new Arrow) I have installed Avidyne 540's to replace the aging Garmin 530's. The Garmin 750 is awesome and so is the Avidyne 540 that fits in a 530 slot with a minimum of installation $$$$. I have a Garmin 345 excellent transponder for ADS-B In and Out. On the In side, it feeds weather and traffic to my Avidyne 540 GPS, Aspen Pro and my Ipad/Foreflight all at the same time. I think highly of the installation. Good luck, we're here for you.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Inspection time over. Compressions ok. Full power run tomorrow or Friday. Required work pretty simple, life the props, 500hr the mags, gaskets for fuel servos, one turbo maintenance, a couple of other smalls things.
Congrats, again. Awesome machine. Can I have a ride? Right seat, lol?
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
I have a Garmin GTN 750 / GDL 88 in my Arrow. Can't live without them anymore.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the words of support. I have been researching an avionics upgrade. The thing in NZ is we do not have the datalink options as in the US. So no sirius radio, ADS-B(still under consultation and not due before end of 2021 anyway) will have no in data except for aircraft position and no other datalink services. The GA options are really only garmin and Jepsen database charts. Planning etc relies on downloads prior to flight with regards wx, notams etc. So a lot of the latest and greatest gear is wasted.
So I think maybe buy the gear that is being replaced at a fraction of the new gear. So maybe add a 530W. Maybe add a ED 500/600(as a ltd function addition).
This is what I have below, Any thoughts on individual upgrades given the lack of service.
King KMA24H Audio Panel
Garmin GNS530
Collins VIR 351 Nav
Collins VHF351 Com
King KR87 ADF
Collins TDR950 Transponder
Codan 2000 HF Transceiver
King KWX56 Weather Radar
Artex ELT
Altimatic IIIB Autopilot
Aerospace Logic Fuel Flow Kit
Shaden Fuel Flow Computer
In considering ADS-B, remember that only the U.S. currently lets operators use the 978 UAT system. If your going to be flying in NZ then, without researching the question, I would anticipate a 1090ES requirement. Also, it is easier, and cheaper, to do this while you have the panel apart for the overall upgrades.
Thanks Bill,
In NZ you can use 978 for out only. If you want in/out then it is the 1090ES freq requirement.
Keep the KWX56 radar. I've had one and it was terrific!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
So full power run yesterday for 25 minutes. All was good. So the props are now getting taken off and re-lifed. Plane will be flying in 3-4 weeks. Cost, and yes I am happy, all up USD $21,000 including purchase. That includes annual and 100 hr. Lucky me
Lucky you is right. I had a few $20,000 annuals on my Seneca, not to mention $80k in new engines, $24k in paint, $10k in interior and $50k in avionics. The Seneca cost me 65k in 2004 and I sold it in 2018. I would up with a free airplane for 14 years.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
So an update, more work to be done but nothing exceptional. Had to do the 500 and 1000 hr check. ELT was missing, some other things have been lifed out. One engines hoses, both engines rubber mounts. Add another USD$10-15T, still pretty happy. The janitrol heater missing so if any one has advice on that. Had to subscribe to Piper's annual maintenance service. Didn't know about that. Another 3 weeks to go, mainly that is getting the props back. Dealt with minor surface corrosion. New tyres for the main, rebuilt all mags and fuel servos
She'll be a sweet-heart when you're done. Stay the course, you're doing a great job. I can't wait to hear about your first flight!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Does anyone know where you can find hose kits for a TIO 540 A2B or who sells the, I have looked all round but cannot find them. Thanks
Hi, I haven't found a hose kit on the web although Aircraft Spruce does seem to sell the parts individually. I have another idea, how about contacting the overhaul shop that I've used. They overhaul TIO540's and supply new hose kits! Here's there link:
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
So WHW starts flying next week.
Good news
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
So cleared by CAA to fly at last, at least in time for summer in my hood
Excellent! Post some pics when you can
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
So flew ZK-WHW, first flying for it since 2013. How do I post MP4 format anyone?
A couple of (poor quality) sots of WHW running prior to taxi.
So after 5 months of ownership the aircraft got into the air after an absence of 6 years. It flew really well and had no issues. After the test flight at NZPP(Parparaumu) it flew to NZNP(New Plymouth) and then to NZAR(Ardmore), probably about 280 NM. It trimmed well, started getting the engines synced and fuel flow controlled. Thanks to Neil(LAME) who did a great job and Paul(test pilot).
Maybe this link will work, Takeoff
She looks great! Nice job!!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
As an update, I finished my type rating on this aircraft and have done around 20hrs on it the last 6 weeks. Operating pretty well. Only very minor issues. It has been flown by some buddies also so we have done 30 hours in total. Worked out that it has 1000 litre capacity, circa 7 hrs plus reserve. I am now thinking about the panel and what can go on there. The bird is not IFR capable because the HSI was taken out and that drove the DI and AP as a class 3 a/c. I am going to skip the steam HSI King replacement even with the other bits still there and go for a glass solution.
Thanks for the update, John!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot