Say Hello and Show us what you Fly.
Hello Piper Owners, recently joined the Piper’s Owners Group in January. I have owned my 1979 Warrior II for 24 years. In the last few years I have done the ADSB upgrade followed by a GNS430W and GNS340. I decided this year to move forward with upgrades, removing the 170B and replacing it with a Garmin 255. Also pulled the trigger on an Aspen ProMax with the Bendix King AeroCruze 100 Auto Pilot. I am so looking forward to having the new Avionics in place soon. Unfortunately after purchasing all the new toys, I found an issue with the motor where the lifter and cam deteriorated causing metal in the filter. Headed down the path of overhauling at Don George’s engine, but they found a crankshaft out of specifications at the prop flange area, now she is getting a new Rebuilt Lycoming zero time engine. It will be a sweet airplane when I get her back in the air. Little lighter in the wallet, but not discouraged.
Beautiful paint job! And thanks for the post about your plane.... you're in good company, lol.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Dtaglila - My bird is a 1978 Warrior II that I've owned for 22 years and 2 engines, so we're in a similar life cycle with our airplanes and engines.
Wise choice to go with a factory zero time engine, especially if your old engine has multiple problems. I went with a zero-time engine 10 yrs ago, and never looked back. All engine AD's are complied with, every part is within new tolerance, the new engine has the roller cam and lifters (smoother and makes better power than my old flat tappet engine when it was new), and in the long run, you may wind up money ahead. I jumped on a "show special" deal from Lycoming 11 yrs ago while at EAA/OSH that put the price of a zero time engine within $900 of a shop rebuild. I've never regretted it.
Welcome to the group! You have a beautiful airplane!
Jim "Doc Griff" Griffin
PA28 - 161
Chicago area
Dtagilia - No problem! Those of us who have been through it are happy to help. Have your A&P index and balance the propeller after the new engine is installed. You're going to love it. Send pics when done!
Jim "Doc Griff" Griffin
PA28 - 161
Chicago area
Looks wonderful. I can't wait to see it when complete
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
I'm relatively new to the group and looking forward to learning more about Pipers. Been a Piper Pilot for awhile and my Honda Pilot is named...yeah.. Piper. I'm a maintenance coordinator for one of our flying club's Arrows. You can see pics of all the planes over here. (Though not all the club planes are Pipers.) And I'll upload one of our Arrows and an Archer.
Nice pics and thanks for posting them. Welcome to our website!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Great paint!!! Thanks for posting the pics
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Thanks Mike, I was going to wait until I got 50 hours on the new motor.
I already did the first hour at 75% power and adjusted the Throttle between 65 to 75% for the second hour engine was very smooth but the prop is not in the 8 & 2 position at shutdown so I will re-index tomorrow and recheck blade track and smoothness.
Hello from Finland! This is my and my friend's Cherokee 140B 1970. We have had it since 2007. Total time is still less than 2300 hours. Original panting and engine. We love it!

Finland? Wow! Thanks for joining and posting your picture. What city do you live in? Also, is there anything I can do for you?
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Thank you Scott! I live in rural city of Kurikka. The plane is in hangar on Seinajoki airport EFSI. Another close city is Vaasa, EFVA. I have been member of Piper owners society for years and read the magazine. Also articles written by you, excellent
. It is of great value having this opportunity, I keep your kind offer in my mind!
Sakari Korpela
CIO, co-founder
Fundu Platform Oy
20,000 people in Furikka, same as my home town!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Hello from Cobden CPF4 Ontario, Canada. I am restoring a 1972 PA28-140 that was sitting

neglected in a hangar 13 years. Started with a zero time 160 hp engine / OH prop. Art Mattson VG's. Hoerner wingtips, Whelan LED lights / strobes, 406 ELT, Spar AD's and full Annual inspection. I have 10 hrs. on the new engine with no problems. Looking at installing an Airtex interior next, cockpit smells musty. First airport I landed at, a pilot walked up to take a picture of the aircraft he soloed in 40 years ago. Learned to fly in 1975 at a Cessna Pilot Centre. CF-BLG is my 1st Piper.
Hey, you should get a medal for bringing a hangar queen back to life! Nicely done, eh?
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Scott your have the Airtex Interior replacement down to a system. Would you have a step by step roadmap of what to do first, then 2nd, etc.? I ordered both rear windows from Great Lakes Aero today. Pondering on the Airtex stuff.
I don't have a step by step. However, when you get your materials, I will be glad to assist you!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot