Prop as Wall Art

This may be a double post, first try disappeared.

My 1973 Arrow is in for annual and a new prop. My original prop required a recurring 100 hour Eddy current inspection of the hub and Hartzel has said they no longer want my prop in the fleet and my most recent inspection was my last.

I will now have my old prop that I will need to figure out a way to display. I have looked online, but have not seen any 2 blade metal props on display only wood and fake 3 and 4 blade props. I also have one other challenging condition to overcome, I am artistically illiterate.

I have thought about mounting it to a slab of wood with live edge, bark on both sides. Is a metal propeller mounted to a piece of wood going to look right?

I am thinking of putting this over our fireplace where we planed to put a TV but the angle just didn’t work, so I have a perfect place for it but don’t know exactly how to display it. The fireplace has a barn beam for the mantel. Only the prop will be displayed the spinner is going to remain in service on the new prop.

Suggestions and photos are desperately needed.


1973 Arrow II factory AC removed

G5’S, G275, GNX375 Still can get lost.


  • Without a current eddy current inspection I don't think it is even safe to mount on the wall. Blade failure could occur at any time and it might jump off that wall with little warning....

    How about mount it to a ceiling fan???

    I think you could also polish it and then clear coat like this.

    Eric Panning
    1981 Seneca III
    Hillsboro, OR (KHIO)

  • @empannin

    Is that a normal prop? I have thought about putting it in a corner with my trophy saddle.

    Just the Christmas Tree displaced my saddle and the females have not mentioned taking it down. The house panthers would be angry for a day if the tree came down. I think the tree will stay up till July 1st again. I refuse to light off fireworks with a Christmas Tree glowing in my house. I have my standards. It gets the tree down. I am expendable so I have to set off the explosives. I trade my talent for them taking the tree down.

    1973 Arrow II factory AC removed

    G5’S, G275, GNX375 Still can get lost.

  • edited February 2024

    This isn’t intended to be a propeller blade measuring contest but this is the prop blade we have as decoration. my wife bought me a C-130 blade because I was a paratrooper in the army and have a lot of jumps from them. Unfortunately, the awkward lead time caught us in the middle of moving

    You can easily find a means to do something like this and have a simpler single display or possibly multiple art displays. The C-130 mount is just a 45-lb weightlifting plate with a steel pole through that into the blade and some decorative wood on top. No artistry need, just plunk it somewhere attentive people will see it without it being in the way.


    Veteran | CMEL/SEL | CFII

    1974 Piper Archer N41477

  • Resq;

    We have (2) propellers d'art in our little abode. Both are wooden. One (a reproduction) hangs horizontally above a hallway entrance, and the other stands in a corner. The prop above the hallway has a metal plate attached to the back of the prop, and that plate is secured to a stud in the wall via lag bolts. The other is heavily battle worn, and stands in the corner on its own.

    The propeller shop told me that my prop is on its final overhaul. The next rebuild will probably require replacement. When that happens, the wooden prop in the hallway will be replaced with the (non-serviceable) $6,000 ornament.

    To answer your other questions: you could do the wood mount, glass case, etc. It depends on whether you want both blades displayed, or a single as in Scootshep's picture.

    You don't need to get fancy with mounting because propellers are ultimately cool on their own.

    Your display options come down to your preferences.

    You could:

    1. Refurb/repaint so it looks original.
    2. Polish it, like the one in Eric's pic.
    3. Leave it as is, showing the character of its life (my preference).

    I'm attaching a couple pics of mine.

    Jim "Doc Griff" Griffin
    PA28 - 161
    Chicago area

  • Thank you both.

    I think I want to keep the battle damage from 50 years of service. Adds character and gives an idea what the prop goes through.

    Thank you for the photos giving me ideas how to display where my saving has gone. I was not planning for a prop, I wanted an Otto Pilot, my original has reached mandatory retirement age and just is along for the ride these days.

    Please keep the photos coming so I can explain this to the fashion home decor police.

    1973 Arrow II factory AC removed

    G5’S, G275, GNX375 Still can get lost.

  • Ya know... There are still some functional uses for an old prop. Just say-in.

  • I just happen to own a teenage girl…you have a very valid point. But we have a ranch, so I have several whips one 12 feet long. The flat blade would make a better sound.

    I will have to give your idea a great deal of thought.

    1973 Arrow II factory AC removed

    G5’S, G275, GNX375 Still can get lost.

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