Altitude encoder

I have a Garmin 345 encoder and on my way back from a long cross country ATC was telling me that altitude encoder was intermittent. I recycled it to no avail. Any ideas how to troubleshoot?


  • If comfortable, there is the most basic troubleshooting of making sure connections are good.

    As an example, a hangar buddy got the same comment from ATC a while ago. Was about to get approval to fly to another field with an avionics shop to look at the equipment. But decided to simply check the backsides of the radios and transponder. While pressing on the various connectors, one for the transponder made a <click> noise (physical, not electrical sound).

    That was ~ 2 years ago and has not gotten a comment about intermittent encoding from ATC since.

    If that does not work, probably time for a better expert.

  • Navychap,

    Did more than one ATC facility report your pressure altitude as unreadable? On more than one day? There are several sectors I routinely fly through that frequently have radio and/or transponder problems, so before troubleshooting your avionics want to make sure the problem is on your end.


  • thanks all!!

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