PA28-236 Spar AD
My CFI has brought up concern about an AD for my 82 Dakota. I have gone thru all the books and repeatedly see Annual reports saying all ADs have been complied with.
Can someone give me a date and description of such a PA28 AD?
Thanks a bunch,
Dave Dillehay
Your CFI may be thinking about this infamous wing spar AD. Click the link for a copy of the final rule.
or this one:
However, the PA-28-236 is not listed as an affected model in either AD. If the CFI knows of another Spar AD applicable to both your model and serial number, ask the CFI to give you the reference number.
I get it that the more responsible CFIs want to make sure there is full compliance with everything. If an incident happens which calls for an investigation, they are in the line of scrutiny as well.
At the same time, if the IA repeatedly affirms compliance with all applicable ADs, then this is looking like the CFI needs to talk with the IA and validate the gap. Just make sure that there is not an existing adverse relationship between the CFI and IA.
Am I missing something here?
On a related thought, if using the same IA for many years, might consider selecting a different shop every few years. Reasoning is that it is a good cross-check of each other's work to make sure things do not get missed.
Absolutely! Always good to have a different set of eyes looking at it.
Jim "Doc Griff" Griffin
PA28 - 161
Chicago area
Thanks a bunch for the AD yippee.
Dave Dillehay
Dakota N8442A