Arrow Landing Gear Hydraulic Fluid Leak
Hello everyone,
Went to the hanger the other day to fly and found a Red fluid stain on the deck about the size of a baseball. I traced it up to the area of the automatic landing gear system. More specifically the hydraulic pressure dump valve. All hydraulic lines are tight. I checked the pump fluid level and found it at the black mark in the photo.
I haven't gotten into the repair yet but wanted to see if anyone has had any experience with this problem. I am also trying to find the proper level of the hydraulic fluid in the reservoir. I'll update my findings as I go.
Thanks for any help.
Mine wasn't leaking externally like yours, but I had an internal bypass on my valve. I ordered the 3 O-Rings, removed the extension valve and resealed the thing and reinstalled. No issues since. I put a thread in the Arrow forum of the process I used to reseal it, if that helps you and your mech. Here is the thread, about half way down is my step by step:
Hope it helps,
Tom Jackson
PA28RT-201, N3022U
Tappahannock, VA (KXSA)
A&P/IA, Private Pilot, IR/A
Thank you Tom. I'll check it out.
Also Tom, do you know what the proper level for the reservoir is?
Per the service manual, to the bottom of the filler hole.
Tom Jackson
PA28RT-201, N3022U
Tappahannock, VA (KXSA)
A&P/IA, Private Pilot, IR/A
Excellent thanks Tom
I take it your mechanic will be doing the repair?
48 yrs A/P IA DAL aircraft inspector. 172N
Hi Carl, Yes my mechanic will perform the repair.
👍 Carl
48 yrs A/P IA DAL aircraft inspector. 172N
Follow up on the landing gear hydraulic leak. I found a fracture in the body of the dump valve located in the automatic gear extension system.
I was able to find a replacement from a bone yard near me. I bought an overhaul kit and replaced the "O" rings. After installation, all is well. no more leak.
Good find on the good old "hoof". Happy flying!
48 yrs A/P IA DAL aircraft inspector. 172N
Excellent news! It only takes the smallest of internal leaks to bleed off all the pressure. These dump valves and emergency gear valves are higher risk for internal leaks as they don't get used often and can dry out/age. They can leak internal (or external as this one) and rather than spray fluid everywhere it might just be a weep...
Eric Panning
1981 Seneca III
Hillsboro, OR (KHIO)
Always great to hear a success story. Thanks for the follow up!
Jim "Doc Griff" Griffin
PA28 - 161
Chicago area
Thanks everyone.
Four hours on the repair and all is well!