Is Merlyn Products (Now Nord Engineering) active? Need a Wastegate
Hello friends,
I reached out to Jon at Merlyn Products for a wastegate back in May and he mentioned they are in a transition phase over the STC and cant sell it still. Said it would take ~10 weeks to have everything ready.
Never heard from Jon and I contacted him again this January, still not receiving a response.
Does anyone have any info?
Hi Alberto,
I have sent Merlyn Products a message from our Piper association asking for an update on the information you require. Let's see what they come back with.
Hi Alberto,
I received the following message from Jon in response to my inquiry on your behalf. I hope this information is helpful for you. The delays are not unexpected when a company must change hands and especially a highly regulated one.
Hi Mike,
The owners of Merlyn retired and I have been going through the process of starting a new company, transferring the STCs, and getting PMA setup with the FAA for the new company. This process has taken longer than I had hoped, but I am making progress. My 10 week estimate was a rough guess that didn't turn out to be very accurate. I apologize for not getting back to your member in January, but I haven't had anything definite to say beyond, "I'm still working on it." I now have the company running and the STCs have been transferred. The PMA approval is the final hurdle before I can start manufacturing new units again. I have had some discussion with the FAA in the last week and they said to expect around 3 months. If I can get everything that they need submitted quickly, we might be able to do a little better than that, but I don't want to over promise or have customers plan for a time schedule that I can't deliver on. If your member is Mr. Barber, he is on my list and hopefully I can send out a more positive email in the next couple months.
Please let me know if either of you have any additional questions.
Best Regards,
Jon Nordhagen
Nord Engineered Products LLC
Formerly with Merlyn Products, Inc.