Drain Plug PA28R-201T
Hello everyone,
I'm going to do an oil change for the first time on my 1977 Turbo Arrow III and encountered this plug.
Has anyone seen one like this?
Thanks for any info.
Hello everyone,
I'm going to do an oil change for the first time on my 1977 Turbo Arrow III and encountered this plug.
Has anyone seen one like this?
Thanks for any info.
Yes on Piper arrows in particular you need a low profile if you want to keep the oil in the engine when the landing gear retracts. You just push up on the center and twist it to lock it open it's a little messy. But there is an adapter that goes on that and I think you can either find them on eBay or aircraft spruce might carry the drain adapter. It's a right angle click on. I've got a picture of one I'll try to post it to you later on. Carl
48 yrs A/P IA DAL aircraft inspector. 172N
I had a shot of mine my tablet , this is what they look like
48 yrs A/P IA DAL aircraft inspector. 172N
Thanks Carl!