Passenger Groping Required?

Do the new TSA procedures require that I thoroughly "pat down" my passengers prior to allowing them to fly on my Piper? Could be interesting. Seriously though, I have had a private ticket for over 50 years, held a lot more security clearances that the President, yet I am still suspect every time I try to fly commercially. Now, I am inspected in the nude or groped by a government employee. Is there something wrong here. There has to be a better way. How about "trusted fliers", If you can clear honest citizens to handle "Top Secret" tasks, why can't they be cleared to fly on US airlines? Interesting. No?


  • There was a company called CLEAR that did offer a fast lane a many airports. It went out of business.
  • They dont even buy you dinner.
  • Folks, I think it's time we (Americans)realize that it's a very bad world out there, and there are lots of looney people who are willing to get on a plane and kill themselves just to take a few of us with them. Ever fly in Europe? Lots tougher security there.

    re; the passing of germs etc. As long as they are only touching clothes it's no worse than sitting a chair that someone else just got up from. You pass way more by shaking hands.
  • Sorry, I don't buy into the government's 'obligation' to 'protect' me. I'd rather take my own chances with terrorists just like I do with lightning strikes and meteor impacts.
  • Clear is back in business...albiet not in all airports yet...they are even honoring previous customers memberships...
  • ..At least they finally realized how stupid it was to have to screen the pilots.....
  • I told my wife I thought groping was a good idea. I am going to claim the TSA made me do it and grope my "randomly selected" passengers. :D:lol: :P
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