Forum Registation

Registration will now be required for all members and non-members to post on any topic on the forum. Guests will need to register and will then have access to post in the free portion on the forums, but not in the member areas, although you will still be able to read others posts. Members will sign in as usual, and will see little change with respect to logging in. If you run into problems or have any questions, you can contact me via e-mail at


  • Yeah!! No more freaking guests!!
  • I had to :)
  • Guest wrote:
    I had to :)


    Thanks, PiperTech.
  • I'm confused. Supposedly, non-members can no longer post anonymously as guests. However, someone or something continues to post gibberish as "Guest" to the "Dream Wings" contest thread.

    What gives?
  • jr, I believe that is some kind of glitch in the server. It's my understanding that the "Dream Wings" thread was removed some time ago, but some of us continued to see it and others did not. I remember that I could see it on my main box but not on my laptop. I've since obtained a new main box and I no longer see it on either of my computers. Hope this helps at least explain it. Maybe Piper Tech can talk to IT and see if it's still showing on the server in some hidden corner. I suppose since some computers could still see the thread and others could not that it could also have something to do with the individual computer's cache. But I'm pretty much a computer idiot so I won't go too far in that, heh.

  • Piper Tech has just contacted IT and will hopefully figure out what is going on.
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