Payload for 1979 Cherokee 6
I own a 1967 Cherokee 6, Pa 32-260. The Payload ( Useful load - full tanks ) exceeds 1000lbs. I just got the wive's ok to look for a 1977-1979 Cherokee 6 or an early Saratoga fg. My airplane use requires a 900-950 payload. The later cherokee 6's and early fg Saratogas seem to be much lower. The later Cherokee 6's I seen have a payload of about 800-850lbs. The fg saratogas 750-800lbs. Is my search for 900-950lb payload too ambitious or just improbable? Yes, I know I can maintain tanks that are partially full and add to the payload, but this is inconsistent with my practice and mission. Thanks
Sorry I need a 900lb payload. Also, Im too old to learn a retractable. Thanks Chuck