Considering an 81 Archer in CA and need Advice

I'm looking at a 81 Archer in S. CA and had a couple questions after I went to look at it this weekend. I noticed on the cowling right above the aft attach point the cowling is bowed on both sides. The bow is about 4 inches long and sticking out about a 1/4" out - has anyone seen this before? Also, in the rear of the aircraft, on the top above the fan blower motor there is a lot of white specs/dust covering the aluminum. I grabbed a mechanic that was in a shop next door and he indicated that this is normal S. CA oxidation 'crud'. I have owned a couple Arrow's but have never seen this white 'crud' before on the aluminum surface so was curious if this is typical in S. CA?


  • The bowing is subjective, I have seen some that bow on both sides and some that do not. How much it bows is the subjective part. Is it bad enough to really cause concern, is there any other areas, say on the firewall that are wrinkled? On a hot day does it bow less, if you loosen all the screws does the bow go away,? Things to consider. As far as the oxidation, yes it occurs, here in Florida we see this also, coat it with corrosion x, I personally don't like the smell, I coated the entire insides with LPS3, it leaves a waxy protective coating. Hore this helps. I have an arrow, btw
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