** New Website for Aviation Photography - PilotPortraits.com !
Pilot Portraits Photography and Videography
Wanted to share with you guys my new site with aviation Photography and Videography. I am a private pilot and photographer and combining the 2, for the aviation community.
Im working with Air to Air, Portrait and Aerial photography, and updating this website of videos and photographs at http://pilotportraits.com. I created Pilot Portraits to document the flying careers of private pilots and commercial aviation businesses, and their business websites.
If you'd like to have your plane photographed or update your website, shoot me a message. Share the link with any person who may enjoy the aviation work.
Thanks again,
Pilot Portraits
p.s. If you have some 3d glasses you can see the new 3d videos we are doing also

Check us out in AOPA Pilot this issue -- April 2012
We've expanded our capabilities to now include:
- Professional Air to Air and Ground Photography
- 3d video capture in HD
- Wing tip mounted cameras filming the Target Plane (2d and 3d)
- Inflight audio recording transmissions
- Printed, large framed photographs
and most recently developed
- 3d simulation video using GPS and Google Earth data. A full flight simulator after the shoot, using 3d terrain and 3d model of the Target Airplane!
- Ability to 'fly' the Target Plane after the shoot, with full control; An amazing new option we developed like a video game. A great tool for training and post flight review.
Nice photos!
You might want to try shooting at a slower shutter speed for the air-to-air shots to get the propeller to blur and get an arc. I've attached a photo I took of my friend's J3 shooting at 1/30....
Great work,