
Hi, I'm new to the forum. Does anyone know anything about the above websites? I'm looking for a partner to co-own a Cherokee 180, but can't seem to connect with anyone in my area. I've tried the above websites, as well as the program on AOPA. Many of the listings are several years old. Has anyone had good experiences with co-ownership, or better to stay solo? Maybe general aviation is in severe decline in my area? Any feedback appreciated, thanks!


  • If I were looking for ways to offset the cost of ownership of a plane, I would look into purchasing it myself and getting a limited renter insurance policy from AVEMCO. You could then rent to up to four people you know. You would total control over the plan and who uses it. Two of the contentious issues I have seen with co-ownership are when 1 pilot uses the plane substantially more than the rest of the owners and where there are significant differences in philosophy. Example 1: one of the owners wants to overhaul the engine at TBO and another owner wants to postpone overhaul until the engine compressions come it low. Example 2: one pilot wants to repaint the plane and install a new Garmin 1000 glass panel and the other owner wants to keep the cost low by not doing any improvements that aren't necessary..
  • Kent, that is a very interesting idea that I hadn't thought of. I will certainly look into that. I do have concerns about the issues that you brought up. I just can't believe how difficult it has been to even find a potential person to have a conversation with. I think as men, it might be unrealistic to try and partner with complete strangers. Perhaps if I had a best friend that flies, or something like that, it could work...Thanks for the suggestion.
  • I dunno. My policy through AOPA lets anyone with a "ticket and my permission" fly my Cessna 150. My Arrow is way different, requiring retract time and time in type...

    I do not see a 180 being any diff from my 150. I'd bet anyone can fly it.
  • But you need to ask them if that applies to rental of your aircraft to someone else. I would bet that AOPA would distinguish between personal use and commercial use (rental) same as other insurance companies. In any event, you do not want to rent your plane to anyone before discussing with your insurance company..
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