AirVenture 2018 Is Coming Fast!
Hello everyone! AirVenture 2018 is coming fast! I'm going to be there at the Piper Owners Society booth with other authors, vendors and staff and I'm looking forward to seeing you there. Are you planning on coming? Let me know.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
1963 Cherokee 180 B.
Really? This is great! I'll be at the booth, make sure you come by and see me! We can have a beverage or sandwich together.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
I will be there July 20th to July 29th with my son! His first trip to OSH! He will be attending Central Florida Aerospace Academy for high school!!!! In August this year! He has joined the Lakeland Aero Club as well..... oh to have these opportunities when I was his age!!!!
LOL He has his days planned out with the Aero Club already! Hope I get to spend some time with him while we are there! His best friend is one of the Aero Club students that was selected to fly from Lakeland FL to OSH in one of the Cubs that the students fly and maintain. So excited for all the kids getting to go to OSH!
Pictured is my son two summers ago getting to fly from Wildwood, NJ to the Hudson River corridor, with a friend of mine in his RV 9
Start them young! Hopefully Avgas fumes will get to them before the Perfume does!!!
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
My oldest son just because an A&P a couple of weeks ago! I'm sure you'll be proud of your son, too!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Congrats to him! I was a jet engine mechanic in the Air Force! And worked on Hawker business jets for a few years! The Central Florida Aerospace Academy offers courses in A&P, Avionics, UAV’s, and Pilot, it is truly a unique high school! The High Scool is located on the Sun-N-Fun campus! KLAL
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
I'm planning on being there a few days. Probably Tues, Wed & Thurs. I'll stop by the booth and say Hi.
Excellent Jamie! I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Looking forward to flying N56460, a 1973 Cherokee180 Challenger to OSH. I haven't attended for a couple of years but looking forward to flying in again. Some time I would like to participate in a Cherokee mass arrival to AirVenture. I will try to stop by the Piper Owners Society booth.
Excellent plans! Safe flying, of course, and we look forward to seeing you at the booth.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Hi everyone,

Right now it looks like I will be in the Piper Owners booth at Oshkosh off and on all day on Monday and Tuesday. I'll be there later in the week, too but I don't have those days mapped out yet. I hope to see some of you in our booth 3164 in Hangar C! Come by and get a free gift!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot