A little off topic but does anyone fly RC aircraft as well
When I’m not wrenching on my 140 I build and fly RC aircraft!!! Planes on the brain I guess!
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
When I’m not wrenching on my 140 I build and fly RC aircraft!!! Planes on the brain I guess!
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
I haven't done RC in a long time. But I used to do planes, cars and boats with my kids. It was a great father/son hobby. Your photo brings back a lot of good memories.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
This one is for my son! The Avistar! hope to get him soloed on it by the end of summer!!!! He is flying a great pattern, we are slowly working are way down to lower altitudes! We are so blessed to have a yard big enough to fly out of and neighbors that don’t mind and join in!!
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
I used to build and fly RC jets before learning to fly the full size.

I'm not sure which I like most, lol. They're both cool! 8714P is pretty sharp!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
My buddy Ken breaking in the new engine on his 33% RV4 hoping for the maiden flight this weekend!
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
Wow, that's no small plane. Tell us how the test flight goes.... and don't let Ken put a scratch on that beauty!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
LOL Scott when we crash one, we usually yell it’s time for burgers over balsa!
I told him with that much balsa we can fire up the smoker and cook some ribs!!!!
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
That's too funny. Don't put a dent on a real plane, I can't imagine what you're going to say about that. Well maybe I can... It's time for a lot of Jack Daniels, lol.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Well Ken finally got to maiden the 33% RV4! Flight went well, the engine was running a little rich but we are not firing up the smoker to do some ribs! Hope to fly it again this week if this Central Florida rain ever quits in the afternoon!
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
Get some airborne photos if possible. I'd love to see them!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot