Hello all! New menber here with piper Archer 2.
Been flying for about 5 years now and got my Archer right out of the school. I did a big panel update this summer and I am planing on keeping that baby for a long time.
Been flying for about 5 years now and got my Archer right out of the school. I did a big panel update this summer and I am planing on keeping that baby for a long time.
Welcome aboard and Wow! What a panel!
You did a great job!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Amazing panel! Our Archer’s could almost be twins...ie..panels! How has the GFC 500 been so far? I had some porpoising intially,,,cables needed adjusting. G5’s are functioning flawlessly...Where was your installation shop? I was at Sportys..Cincinnati Avionics. I was their second GFC install.
What year Archer? I’m in an 84.
It’s a year 77 and has already been through many updates like new paint, new carpeting, new windows, new seats and more but the avionics was the most exiting project. I was very happy with the job that VIP Avionics did here at khfd. It was their first install in a Piper with a pair of G5’s and after the test flight they were very impressed with the G500 capabilities. It was in the shop for over 5wks and since I picked it up I’ve not had to go back and I really like those g5’s and the whole setup works flawlessly together. I really like it.
Post photos of exterior and interior. I like to see renovated aircraft! I was in the shop for 6 weeks. But worth the wait! Garmin has a great system in place
Nice upgrade you have there! I like JPI monitor, that was my first choice but due to the limited room I had to go the Insight way.
Gorgeous!!! I would keep that one also!!! Thanks for sharing. Mine is in pristine condition.no wear or tear on the interior..only 1200 original hours..but I would still like to redo interior.
I am really jealous! Nice panel, I am still working on doing a panel upgrade but not to the extent you have...will take me a bit more time to get to where you are on my little Warrior.
Beautiful panels! That is my next step on taking my 1970 140 to the next level! Please excuse the drooling!

Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
And I was so happy tonight when I installed my new Ram yoke mount! Now I feel a little underwhelmed!

Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
Baby steps I guess!
Rich Denton
EAA Chapter 175
Speaking of baby steps and yoke mounts... Yesterday I was flying with my Ipad, which I've had with Foreflight for maybe two months and about 15 hours of flight and the sun was hitting it. It overheated and powered down. I held it up in the flow from the air vent, which was about 40 degrees or so and it cooled off in about five minutes. I'm really glad I wasn't flying an approach when that happened. Have you guys had this problem?
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
You’re not suppose to fly an approach with it. Lol.
Mine never let me down, knocking on wood. But again not much sun here in the NE.
I have experienced this a couple of times...same fix...cool air. I have read of several incidents on the COPA forums as well. I know Sportys’ offers “cooling cases” for iPads..
Thanks to both of you guys for your comments
I'm looking into cooling devices now. Thanks again!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot