Cherokee C from Jeff Schroeder, Member in Illinois

I haven't sent you any updates in quite awhile so I thought I'd bring you up to speed. I finally got my Cherokee 180C up poking holes in the sky!! taking lessons, and I'm currently SOLOING!! I may be a bit biased, but this plane flys like a brand new bird! I'm enjoying every minute of time I get to spend up where she's happiest! I'll be honest, I struggled a bit (and still working on) radio communications but as with anything it'll just take time and repetition. I would've solo'd sooner, but my home airport is in class "C" airspace so communication is pretty important to get right.
Here's a couple pics of my pride and joy at KTAZ after refueling, and on the way back home. I'm officially addicted to flying!
I'll send you some more photos along my journey to get my certificate.
Happy flying,
Jeff Schroeder
Note from Scott: Jeff disassembled and painted this plane himself!

Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot


  • That is one of the nicest looking aircraft I’ve seen! Beautiful paint!!

  • Interior photos?

  • Hi Kent,
    I've been talking to Jeff for about two years. I was painting my Seneca at the same time he had his "C" disassembled. He's got gobs of talent, lol. I'll email him about interior photos and see if he sends me any. :)

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • No biggie! Just interested.. Thanks

  • Thank you Kent,
    Sorry, my birthday was the 5th and I've been away celebrating. as far as pics of the interior, I haven't taken any pics of the interior because It's not as nice as the exterior. that is slated as "stage 2" and hopefully I will be able to redo the panel in "stage 2" as well.
  • No problem! You have a great aircraft. I am slowly improving my 84 Archer II. Small steps as well.

  • Thanks again, I'm very proud how well it turned out. now that it's back in the air I've been spending all my spare time and money on fuel and flight lessons.
  • Congratulations Jeff, it sure is a thing of beauty!!!!! I just got my 140 back in the air a few weeks ago and I am in the middle of attaining my PPL as well.... I first flew it after a 13 month restoration on Oct. 13, I have 16.0 hours on it already.
    If you took pictures during your phase 1 restoration, I encourage you to put them in the new “Member Restorations” under the General discussion. I would love to see the pic of the process! Paint job looks awesome in the pics.....

    Rich Denton
    EAA Chapter 175

  • Thank you Cyberpilot10,
    I started a post in restorations, so far it's just a before and after shots but I'll be posting pics of the "during" shortly.
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