My 1967 180 has a slight ( right ) roll tendency, what is the best way to start working through this issue? My last annual the AI did an aileron adjustment with no help. I’m wondering if anyone has had similar issues.
My 1967 180 has a slight ( right ) roll tendency, what is the best way to start working through this issue? My last annual the AI did an aileron adjustment with no help. I’m wondering if anyone has had similar issues.
Hi Billy,
We all get this from time to time as our airplanes are pretty old at this point. However, the service manual has a good section on rigging your plane and your mechanic should be following the procedure in the service manual. If you don't have a service manual you can get one in pdf form in about five minutes and $50 from www.essco.com or www.eflightmanuals.com.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Thanks, I’ll check with them and report.
I was having a similar issue, The problem turned out to be related to my STEC 30 autopilot. They reinstalled the software and all was well.
I wish I had a STEC!
Sounds like a pilot error issue, lol.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Have the flaps checked for proper adjustment.
I’m going to have a full re-rigging ( if that’s not a word it should be ! )
Sounds excellent. You and your plane will like it when it's done.
Tell us how it went and where you had it done if you have a moment.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot