Finally got out to fly again today!!!
Wednesday morning it was -30 here, today it got up to 42, the only thing to do was spend some time in the Arrow! Got a nice 2.5 hr flight in.
I love to defy gravity!
1979 Arrow IV
Wednesday morning it was -30 here, today it got up to 42, the only thing to do was spend some time in the Arrow! Got a nice 2.5 hr flight in.
I love to defy gravity!
1979 Arrow IV
Lucky! I haven’t been up in 3 weeks. I was hoping to get a flight in before work tomorrow morning, but it looks like the wx will be marginal...I might be waiting another week.
Jim M.
Based at BUU
I haven't been up in three weeks, either. I'm hoping to dig out the hangar this weekend!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
We have had 0-0 here for several days occasionally improving to 2 OVC and fog 1/4mi. Today there was this bright blue sky and a big yellow thingy in the sky. So I took off work early and flew for about 45 minutes. My last flight was a couple of weeks ago. Had just got the plane back from a two month long annual (that's another story altogether) and flew for almost two hours.
I'm hoping to get in my hangar tomorrow for the first time in 6 weeks.
fingers crossed!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Glad I’m not the only one! I’m shooting for Friday morning.
Jim M.
Based at BUU
Lucky in Kentucky! I was able to fly to Shenandoah VA round trip last Friday and again today. Windy, but CVU.
I got up early today and went out to the airport to take part in today's clear and cold weather. I warmed up the hangar and got all my stuff ready to go...and then the hangar door wouldn't open. The 40 degrees we had yesterday melted everything off the roof and it pooled and refroze at the bottom of the door overnight.
I bought an ice pick, but am quickly losing motivation to drive back to the airport today. This winter, if it hasn't been one thing, it's been another!
Jim M.
Based at BUU
Hi Jim,
Same problem with my hangar. Argh!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Hence my use of a "Sawz-All" to amputate the bottom 4-5 inches of sheet from the sliding doors on my hangar! Only took me 35 years to think of that!!
Jim Torley
1969 Arrow 200
Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)
Holy cow, Jim, did you do any damage to the hangar?
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
No damage at all! The sheet metal skin extended well below the bottom wooden stringer so amputating a few inches up to that stringer just prevents ice formed by water dripping off the roof from locking the doors into the ground. I have strips of outdoor "door mats" nailed to the inside of the bottom stringer to reduce rabbit intrusion and dust !!
Jim Torley
1969 Arrow 200
Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)
That's good to hear, Jim. When I next get out to my hangar I'll look into doing the same thing. Thanks so much.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
An hour with the ice pick this morning and I got the hangar open! I used some ducting with my torpedo heater and preheated the engine while I chipped away at the ice. After 30 mins the engine was warm to the touch, and I used the heater to help soften the ice on the bottom of the door.
The engine started right up and she flew like a puppy stuck indoors for 6 weeks! I mounted an action cam to record my flying, but 2 out of the 3 files were corrupted for some reason, so all I have is me flying around in circles over southern Wisconsin.
It was nice to finally get out again!
Jim M.
Based at BUU
Eat my heart out. I went to my hangar today and no-go. Maybe in a few days, lol. I hope so!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot