Kent, it's a 1979 Arrow of the "hated" T-tails...I don't mind the T-tail whatsoever. Yes, it handles a bit differently than a conventional tail, once you understand that, it flies completely normal.
I have 500 hours in a T-Tail Seminole. The takeoff roll is a bit longer and it requires a tug to get the nose up, but after that it's just like any other plane.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Yep, Scott, you are exactly correct. Since there's no blast from the prop, the stabilator takes a wee bit longer to become effective. Once it wakes up, it's just as effective as a conventional stabilator. I think the T-tail aircraft got a bum rap because folks were trying to handle them like the conventional tail aircraft, when they didn't handle the same, people grumbled. With 50 lbs. of lead shot in the baggage area, the cg moves aft enough to help with the need to really pull a lot of up on takeoff.
Too easy!!!! Agreed! What year?
Hey, retract those flaps, your Arrow will go alot faster! lol
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Kent, it's a 1979 Arrow of the "hated" T-tails...I don't mind the T-tail whatsoever. Yes, it handles a bit differently than a conventional tail, once you understand that, it flies completely normal.
I love to defy gravity!
1979 Arrow IV
I have 500 hours in a T-Tail Seminole. The takeoff roll is a bit longer and it requires a tug to get the nose up, but after that it's just like any other plane.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Yep, Scott, you are exactly correct. Since there's no blast from the prop, the stabilator takes a wee bit longer to become effective. Once it wakes up, it's just as effective as a conventional stabilator. I think the T-tail aircraft got a bum rap because folks were trying to handle them like the conventional tail aircraft, when they didn't handle the same, people grumbled. With 50 lbs. of lead shot in the baggage area, the cg moves aft enough to help with the need to really pull a lot of up on takeoff.
I love to defy gravity!
1979 Arrow IV
Roger that, Harley.
The weather right now is awesome outside. I'm heading to the airport shortly. I have hangar cleaning to start on, lol. 
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot