Trade A Plane ceases printing!

Trade A Plane magazine just announced that the December, 2019 print edition of their 82 year old magazine will be the last. Starting in January, 2020 they will be online only.

End of an era! :(

Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot


  • Makes sense. I never open the print edition up. Are they going to keep producing a PDF version?

  • Good question. I guess we'll find out :)

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • Truly the end of an era Scott. How many hours flipping those pages and fantasizing about the Lear I was going to acquire at “only” 200k! Not to mention finding a copy in the most “interesting” places :)

  • Roger that, Mike. :) Truly the end of an era.

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • I will miss flying into some obscure rural airport, going into the pilot's lounge, and seeing those yellow Trade A Plane magazines laying on a table. I remember pouring over that magazine back in the early 70's, fantasizing about buying a P-51...

    I love to defy gravity!
    1979 Arrow IV

  • For me it was a Mooney. In recent years it's been a Cessna 340. :) Once in a while it was a Citation 535. Oh well! :)

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • When I get bored, I still go to the online version of TAP and compare my Arrow to all of the ones for sale. We might not be able to browse the print version, but the website still works!

    Jim M.
    Based at BUU
    ATC Chicago TRACON

  • I'm sure you all noticed that the print version had far more listings than the online version...I would expect that now the online version will be a lot "fatter".

    I love to defy gravity!
    1979 Arrow IV

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