New Member - 1962 Comanche PA24-250T N330JG

My father bought this plane in 1967, I bought it from him. It's been in 53 countries over the past 50 years. It carries 120 gallons of fuel (wing, auxiliary wing and tip tanks) and has a range of 1,750 miles flying at 12,000 feet, 22 inches, 2,200RPM. The longest trip was to Europe via the Northern route (which required ferry tanks). Except for my iPad and Foreflight it's still all steam. I still find ADF and VOR's the most fun and the Comanche the most exciting plane. That comes from being 76 I guess. I'm hoping I can get in another 15 years.


  • Wow! What a nice looking Comanche!! Your trips and capability remind me of Max Conrad who set records for long distance flight in his Comanche.

    Jim Torley
    1969 Arrow 200
    Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)

  • She's beautiful! Thanks for being a member! Is there anything I can do for you?

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

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