My kid wants to learn to fly!

My son is 28 years old, a Navy veteran, and never really seemed to have the flying bug like I do...until the last time he went flying with me. All of a sudden, it was like somebody lit the fuse! He really got enthused about flying. I told him I'd pay for his flight training and instructor up to his solo flight to see if it is really "his thing". He had an appointment today with an instructor at the FBO that hangars and maintains my plane, and asked me to go along. I know the instructor very well, he's a super-nice guy, and a fantastic instructor. They did the preliminary FAA form-filling, got a list of books and supplies to buy, and as soon as he gets his card from the FAA, they can go fly. I have never seen my son as pumped about anything as he is about learning to fly.

I love to defy gravity!
1979 Arrow IV


  • Congrats. My two sons never got the flying bug but they did get a piece of me, nonetheless. One son is an A&P!! We can both be super proud!

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

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