PA-28R Wing Spar Service Bulletin from Piper

Here's the wing spar Service Bulletin from Piper we've been expecting. It affects these airplanes:
PA-28R-180 Arrow 28R-30002 through 28R-31270;
28R-7130001 through 28R-7130013
PA-28R-200 Arrow 28R-35001 through 28R-35820;
28R-7135001 through 28R-7135229
PA-28R-200 Arrow II 28R-7235001 through 28R-7635545
PA-28R-201 Arrow III 28R-7737002 through 28R-7837317;
2837001 through 2837061; 2844001 and up
PA-28R-201T Turbo Arrow III 28R-7703001 through 28R-7803374;
2803001 through 2803012
PA-28RT-201 Arrow IV 28R-7918001 through 28R-8218026
PA-28RT-201T Turbo Arrow IV 28R-7931001 through 28R-8631005;
2831001 through 2831038

Just so that you know, I received this because I own an Arrow. If you receive on of these for a different Piper airplane, please post it here.

Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot


  • edited March 2020

    I missed the part in Step 4 that said if no cracks are found, proceed to Step 6

    1974 Arrow II
    ATP CFII MEI CFIG A&P AGII FCC GROL with Radar Endorsement

  • I am new to this, but does this mean inspect at 5000 hours for cracks then never again? Seems there should be a follow up at some hours down the road...

    Andy Sikora
    1972 PA28R-200
    Retired Miami ATCT/Tracon

  • edited April 2020

    From the SB:
    "This service bulletin mandates a one-time inspection of the affected aircraft for
    cracks at specific bolt hole locations in the main wing spars, followed by reporting the findings to Piper, regardless of the results." (emphasis added)
    As to what follows later, who knows?

    1974 Arrow II
    ATP CFII MEI CFIG A&P AGII FCC GROL with Radar Endorsement

  • Right, that there is no follow up now doesn't mean there won't be one later.

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • At least this is much less intrusive than removing the wing or all the bolts.

    1974 Arrow II
    ATP CFII MEI CFIG A&P AGII FCC GROL with Radar Endorsement

  • Do we have any idea what average cost is for just the inspection?

  • In the New England area one outfit wants about $700 which includes travel time

  • Is this SB just for Arrows? Or for all PA 28's? I have a 73 140.

    73 PA 28 140 based at KUKT

  • As I read the documentation, the original AD was terminated because there were so few aircraft that had the problem. 2 out of 500 if memory serves me. The original SB called for dye penetrant inspection. Why now do we need an eddy current inspection. I have my wings off for other maintenance, and visual inspection shows no problems. I could even do the dye penetrant, but why do I have to fly someone in to do the eddy current inspection? Where is the validity in their approach?

    Scott Brooksby, CFII, A&P, IA

  • Stay tuned, a year or so from now we will have most of the answers. We are just in a comment period, again!

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

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