New Dress

1967 PA-28-140 Cherokee. New to Starch-Wing, been a Rotorhead for goin' on 40 years. My cousin motivated me to get my fix-wing add-on by offering me his plane as he was paying for hangar space but not flying anymore, he spends most of his time working off the mainland. . . he wanted to keep it in the family. Anyway, when I got her she was in bad need of a new dress so here is the "BEFORE" & "AFTER".


  • She wears it well. Beautiful!

    Jim "Doc Griff" Griffin
    PA28 - 161
    Chicago area

  • Looking nice and welcome! :)

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • Thanks for the "welcome" & compliments. Next. . . . the interior (although it has held up well for as old as it is).

  • Dan, would you like a better userid?

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • edited April 2020

    Dan, remember, you fly up TO the runway and not DOWN ON IT :p 35 years in my Cherokee but only A few hundred hours in the R22 and R44.

    By the way, isn’t it nice that stalls are recoverable! :#

    Great paint!



  • Hello Mike,

    Yeah. . . my first instructor ran a part 141 school and was an old rotorhead from the Nam days. He was relativey paranoid about teaching me fix-wing and never missed an opportunity to remind me they DO NOT hover very well.
    So far I haven't tried.

  • Hello Scott,

    Tried to change my user name, guess it didn't take. . . must have not done it right. I'm just a low-tech redneck. Open for instruction.


  • Hi Dan,
    Tell me what you want for a new username and I'll get it done for you. :)

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

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