Piper SB 1167 Nose Gear Centering Springs PA 28-161, 1977 model.
I would like to know if any member has installed the Nose Gear Centering Springs Kit. They were not OEM for the PA 28-161. Any one got any experience with this SB.? I would like to know about the current availability and price for the Piper kit 767-514. I have owned my PA 28- 161 since new and never had any trouble without the nose gear Centering Springs. Piper sent out the SB in May 206. I missed the SB at the time of issue. In fact, I have never seen them on any Cherokee. Thanks Wm. O'Donnell Will26c@ juno.com
Good question William. Hopefully another member will chime in here.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
My 1984 Warrior II has the springs. They've been there since I acquired her in 2002 and there is no information about them in the logs. I must assume they've been there since she left the factory. (that being said, I can find no mention of the springs in the parts list or maintenance manual either)
Cherokee. Thanks, I will continue to track this SB. I Googled the Part No. and found some out of date prices for this kit. Most of the info on the net adds have this part no. lined out or struck out on the list.
767-514 kit new, $165.30, 1-2 days to ship
Hey Mark, do you have a horse named "Silver"?
You're the best...
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot