New owner of a 1986 PA-46 Malbu

Closed on the airplane in September, took it in for Annual in October, and I'm finally getting ready for pick it up on Nov 11th for three days of (insurance required) transition training.

Very excited for this chapter in my (personal) flying career! I've got quite a few hours in a PA28-180, and a PA32, so this is a pretty good step up for me. I also have a lot of hours in a C172.

I'm so looking forward to cruising at or above 200 kts up in the flight levels (plane is pressurized with a ceiling of 25k).

Here are some pictures!


  • Colingibb;

    Wow! Jaw dropping beautiful plane!

    I presume the young lady is your daughter? She adorable! Looks like it didn't take her much time to get comfortable in the new bird.

    Very nice! 👍👍

    Jim "Doc Griff" Griffin
    PA28 - 161
    Chicago area

  • Haha, yep, that's my daughter.. that was during the brief test flight that I took in the plane prior to making an offer on it :-)

    She's quite a little traveler, I'm looking forward to all the adventures that this will bring for my family and I!

  • Amazing bird! I am sure you will have lots of beautiful flights with her and your family. Congratulations!!

    Karol Zadora
    PA28RT-201T Turbo Arrow IV
    Seattle Area

  • Your plane is bigger than my first apartment, lol. She's beautiful. Can i have a ride, please? :)

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • Hi Colin!


    WOW! Beautiful Airplane! Congratulations!

    You’re gonna love that Garmin 750 too, if you’ve not used one before, I found it took some study, but it does Everything!

    Your picture of washing the airplane reminds me of the old joke…

    ”How do you tell a Rich Malibu Pilot from a Poor Malibu Pilot??”

    ”A Poor Malibu Pilot washes his own Airplane!” 😜

    Stay Safe, Fly Fun!


    N8434M KLPR

    PS…. I wash my airplane all the time, leaves more $ for gas! 😎

  • Beautiful airplane Colin! Congratulations.

    Panther Navajo : Cirrus SR22T

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