Finally moving - 1974 Archer

Hello y'all. My family brought home our first airplane yesterday. I have been dreamt of owning an airplane for so long and it's finally time. The process took the better part of a year with some fits and starts but we're happy to steward N41477 onward for the foreseeable future. I have been a member here for some time but have not had much to engage with until now.

I am an Army veteran, married with two daughters, 8 and 11. I am wrapping up my degree in the flight program at Middle Georgia State University, a decidedly Piper school. Both girls have expressed an interest in flying and my wife likes to go places. Between day trips to a beach or two and short excursions with learning built in, we are eager to get going.

I already have so many questions as I begin to wrap my head around what it means to be an owner and I appreciate y'all for asking your questions and sharing your experience for us newbies.


Veteran | CMEL/SEL | CFII

1974 Piper Archer N41477


  • Way to go Scott, welcome to the owners circle! Carl

    48 yrs A/P IA DAL aircraft inspector. 172N

  • Thank you for your service!

    So, got to CFI without owning your own plane eh? Will quickly learn there is a difference between 'owner' and 'renter' power management 😉

  • Welcome to the forum! If there's anything I can help you with, please let me know. :)

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • Great plane. We have a 1973. Served our family well over the last year. My son is learning to fly in it and we use it for xc trips to see our other son in college. Enjoy!

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