New member - 1957 PA-22 Tri-Pacer

Hello, new member and fairly new owner of a PA-22. Purchased in April 2023 and really enjoying it. Very nice plane to fly, just getting use to the differences from the Cherokee 180 I have been flying. Definitely a different sight picture in the flare I’m trying to get used to. Looking forward to using the features of this website to improve my knowledge of my plane and to improve my skills.


  • Welcome! Thanks for sharing your pics! Where are you based? I love the pilot window, can you fly with it open?

    Eric Panning
    1981 Seneca III
    Hillsboro, OR (KHIO)

  • Welcome to our forum! Is there anything I can do for you?

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • Great looking classic! Where are you based?

  • Welcome!

    Beautiful bird!

    Jim "Doc Griff" Griffin
    PA28 - 161
    Chicago area

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