Engine Mgt Systems webinar by Paul New

This morning, 1/6/24, Paul New gave a 90 minute webinar on engine mgt systems and we had over 150 members in attendance! Paul (and his webinar) are amazing. In the event that you missed it and you're kicking yourself, no worries! A recording of the webinar and all of his PowerPoint slides will be online soon.

Stay warm everyone!

Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot


  • I purchased the webinar but had to miss it live due to kids sports games. Can't wait to watch once the link is emailed out. Thanks to the group for putting on events like this!

  • Roger that, Scott. I learned a lot from Paul. Amazing guy and he held back nothing!

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • Thanks Scott. Looking forward to watching when it's available.

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