Dakota air conditioning

OK, if I want to fly before December it looks like AC might be my best choice. Is there an STC for one in a Dakota?


Dave Dillehay

Dakota N8442A


  • edited May 29

    Found an article which looks like the content is still useful even though its original publication was 16 years ago:


    Here is an outfit which currently claims FAA approval:

    https://kellyaero.com/retro-aircraft-air-conditioning/ (installs ThermaCool)

    Although, tough to tell whether this outfit actually has FAA approval for just the A/C unit, versus FAA approval for installing it in "... most Piper..." aircraft. Going the ThermaCool route will probably require a higher output alternator. Bonus is the possibility of cooling prior to engine start via shore supply / GPU.

    Among the alternatives I'd consider examining is whether this model of Dakota had A/C as an OE option when new. Based on the ad posted above, this is a possibility. If so, I'd then check whether it is allowable to retrofit the OE parts and whether any further STC or field approval is necessary. Reasoning for exploring the OE path is that it is likely that the airframe already allows for A/C and my personal preference is to leverage existing pathways for components rather than have to modify for custom 'make it fit' options.

  • Dave,

    It is getting hot here in DC now and I fly out/in under our Dulles Bravo. I also have the retractable window scoop on the pilot slide. Thought about adding one to the co-pilot side as they work really well. .

    I am experimenting with 2 things this summer... I bought a neck fan/cooler that has a battery (usb rechargable) which takes the edge off. I have ordered an arctic air ice chest type cooler and will give that a whirl. My dad had one in his Cessna 182 and loved it. I really don't want to put anything more permanent in the dakota as each lbs. lowers the useful load and I like taking things in/out as I need to based on the mission I am flying.

    Let me know what you come up with.

    Best Regards,


  • Neck cooler seems like a neat idea.

    While I love having A/C, I sometimes leave it Off. Especially when landing, and a good example is a recent flight. Ride down the glide slope was Ok, but did open the fresh air vents to keep from sweating, and then the window scoop once on the ground. Comfort factor was Ok while the air was forced to move, but the 30*C weather on the field was a steam bath and I was drenched by the time I unloaded the plane and started the drive home.

    Point is, while A/C is super nice, it has its limits once the engine stops. When departing, I am more likely to run the A/C after engine start so that I am not as soaked when ready for takeoff.

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