New member Pa-34

Hello all, new member here! Name is Craig Burrow in Toledo, Ohio. First aircraft, 1976 Pa-34-200t, almost a year in now. Just wanted to say hello!


  • Welcome Craig!

    You will enjoy the discussions and learn a lot!

    Stay Tuned! 😎👍

    Beautiful Airplane!

    Go Bucs!


    N8434M KLPR

  • Welcome!

    I am also part of the PA34 "Twice the trouble, twice the fun club" ;) I have a 1981 Seneca III. I am based in Oregon now but growing up I was often in Toledo with my grandparents and extended family.

    I am heading to Oshkosh tonight via Spirit airlines. Wish me luck! I am flying direct into Chicago and then making the trek to Oshkosh. ;)


    Eric Panning
    1981 Seneca III
    Hillsboro, OR (KHIO)

  • Craig;

    Beautiful plane!

    Welcome to the group and the forum! Any time you have a question, post it. Chances are someone will know the answer. There's tons of knowledge here.

    Welcome again!

    Jim "Doc Griff" Griffin
    PA28 - 161
    Chicago area

  • Welcome Craig! Great plane.


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