New Member from Oregon J4E Barn Find

Hello all,

I live just east of Salem Oregon and I found a 1941 J4E in a real barn. It has been apart since 1957 and passed around several owners in the NW before I convinced the older gentleman to part with it.

We are in the process of a full restoration but finding parts is extremely difficult. The J4E model is the only one of the J4 series to have aluminum spars and the Army Air Corps bought up many of the them from private parties to use as trainers, probably why there are only 44 registered and possibly only half of those flying.

Looking forward to the discussions and advice from forum members.


  • Scott you may want to also check out the shortwing Piper club website they have a wealth of information available to members. Carl

    48 yrs A/P IA DAL aircraft inspector. 172N

  • Wow, that's a rare bird!

    Ask questions here, and post lots of pics.

    I'm sure you're aware that you may fabricate "owner produced parts" for hard to find parts. Check the regs for rules.

    Keep us updated on your progress!

    Jim "Doc Griff" Griffin
    PA28 - 161
    Chicago area

  • edited October 2024

    If parts are that rare / unobtanium, maybe convert it to Experimental? Last I checked, Experimental had more flexibility with sourcing parts. Probably a good idea to check with insurers as to whether they will touch this plane if it does look like changing registration type is a worthwhile consideration. Take my comments for the free value of what they are worth though.

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