I just finished a long avionics upgrade ($50K) only to find my stabilator bearing is bad and it is not airworthy. I am getting used to the fact that I can't trust any APs locally to do anything in a timely fashion so I am hoping to get some advice to locate a new bearing.

Dave Dillehay



  • Apologies as I do not have a ready source for that part. Mine was done not too long ago and I check the stabilator during pre-flight for even the most minute amount of slack in that joint to avoid encountering flutter. Am sure the A&P's in this group will have pointers on a parts source.

    If anything, completely sympathize with the pace of repairs. Seems there is a nationwide shortage of A&P's driven by the pandemic. My most recent Annual took 7 weeks as the shop was short on staff. I only had 3 minor easy to fix squawks.

    Aside, if the battery was not charged recently, might prove a good idea to pull it out and top-up the charge.

  • Those bearings would be regular piper supplied parts and any piper authorized network can get them for you unfortunately you need a shop to put them in too. Carl

    48 yrs A/P IA DAL aircraft inspector. 172N

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