Final FAA AD Ruling on Piper Wing Spar.

edited January 2021 in Aviation Alerts

Here it is, folks. This is the final FAA ruling on the Embry Riddle Arrow wing separation crash of 2018.

Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot


  • 80 hrs to replace a spar seems low - and this is assuming a spar is available.

    Eric Panning
    1981 Seneca III
    Hillsboro, OR (KHIO)

  • Has there been any clarity on whether compliance with Piper SB1345 satisfies this AD, provided the new form is submitted?

  • Seems the -180 is excluded?
    Is that correct?

  • Reason for my question is that the AD references Table #1 which does not mention PA-28-180.

  • It's not here! You're good!

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • The Piper PA28 and PA32 models subject to the FAA Wing Spar AD 2020-26-16 is described in Table 1 of that AD. It seems to exclude many Piper models with the Hershey Bar wing while including mostly those with the tapered wing. The AD as initially proposed was intended to include virtually all models, but was changed sometime around July 2020 in a Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (SNPRM 2020-11343). The following is the pertinent paragraph describing this change:

    Since issuing the NPRM, and partially in response to public comments, the FAA has adopted a more focused risk criteria using load data provided by Piper. This risk approach and the resulting change in applicability adds three airplane models (Models PA-32R-300, PA-32RT-300, and PA-32RT-300T) and removes five airplane models (Models PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160, *PA-28-161, and PA-28-180) from the Applicability section of this SNPRM, for a net reduction of approximately 8,800 lower-risk aircraft.

    The full description of this SNPRM can be found at this link:

    Note: The Federal Register document is very long. To find the pertinent section, search for the word: "removes" .

    *Although the SNPRM claims the PA-28-161 model is removed from consideration, it is listed in Table 1 of AD 2020-26-16. So I would interpret this to mean that the PA-28-161 is subject to the AD.

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