Looking for acceptable replacement. Salvaged part is pricing out at over $850. Any suggestions? I am shocked such a common part is not so commonly found. 79652-03
Have a look at this link. I've been using this for the past 8 years. It is of excellent quality and has been totally reliable. It is a momentary rocker, rather than a slide switch but in use works much the same.
Cost from Digikey.com is about $12.00 plus shipping. It isn't a direct replacement so I had to make a new plate for the yoke to install it.
I was having problems with mine also. My avionics guy was able to disassemble the switch, clean the contacts and reassemble it yesterday. He says it's working like new... can't wait to try it as it has not worked but maybe twice since I bought the airplane.
He also noticed someone had replaced the phenolic sleeve/yoke stop incorrectly so when the yoke was pulled all the way back toward your chest the stop would be pushed down the tube to where it could shear off the mike and trim wires. Those wires should go through a hole in the side of the stop sleeve and it should be butted up against the retaining bolts to limit the rearward travel.
Surprising an annual inspection would not catch an off the shelf switch being used in place of the original. Especially for 8 years!
Update: Autopilotcentral was unable to assist. The folks at Maydayavionics were very sympathetic....they are attempting to locate the part for me for a price under $800. Stand by for a follow-up PIREP. FYI: The piece that is broken is the plastic "hat " that sits on the switch. Unfortunately, the part is treated as a single component.
I Googled dipole switches and found several including two rocker style the most expensive which was $19.84 plus tax. There is no legitimate reason for a simple switch to cost in excess of $300.00.
I had to replace the spring in my yoke switch many years ago. It was finally replaced when the auto-trim autopilot was added. Here is a photo from the replacement drawing.
Another answer is to just take it out. We've never found the electric trim in our two Arrows to work all the precisely/great anyway. So having an A&P just properly secure the switch and cover it pretty much solves any issues. The trim wheel is better. Of course, it'd be nice to have, but the cost/benefit of the functionality for us wasn't there.
I am in the same boat now... Broken electric trim switch that came with Piper Altimatic (Century III C) AP.
I am being told the only fix is to get a used part for insane amount of money. I am starting to think: do I really want to keep throwing money at 40-year old autopilot?
Karol Zadora
PA28RT-201T Turbo Arrow IV
Seattle Area
Thank you, Jim! Unfortunately, my switch is different, it is part of Century AP installation. My mechanic tried to fix it, but it didn’t work, the contacts are too worn out, apparently...
Karol Zadora
PA28RT-201T Turbo Arrow IV
Seattle Area
All switches are overpriced in the Piper world. I'm trying to find a better deal. stand by.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
I haven't found anything yet but I have an idea. I want you to contact two companies that might have them unadvertised. Mayday Avionics in Michigan https://www.maydayavionics.com/ and Autopilots Central in Oklahoma https://www.autopilotcentral.com/
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
I got one fabricated
That is an outrageous price!! It's worth about $20.
Roger that, Austin.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Have a look at this link. I've been using this for the past 8 years. It is of excellent quality and has been totally reliable. It is a momentary rocker, rather than a slide switch but in use works much the same.
Cost from Digikey.com is about $12.00 plus shipping. It isn't a direct replacement so I had to make a new plate for the yoke to install it.
At this price you can afford to buy it and see for yourself.
Unfortunately it isn't legal, so you're on your own with this solution.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
I was having problems with mine also. My avionics guy was able to disassemble the switch, clean the contacts and reassemble it yesterday. He says it's working like new... can't wait to try it as it has not worked but maybe twice since I bought the airplane.
He also noticed someone had replaced the phenolic sleeve/yoke stop incorrectly so when the yoke was pulled all the way back toward your chest the stop would be pushed down the tube to where it could shear off the mike and trim wires. Those wires should go through a hole in the side of the stop sleeve and it should be butted up against the retaining bolts to limit the rearward travel.
Surprising an annual inspection would not catch an off the shelf switch being used in place of the original. Especially for 8 years!
Update: Autopilotcentral was unable to assist. The folks at Maydayavionics were very sympathetic....they are attempting to locate the part for me for a price under $800. Stand by for a follow-up PIREP. FYI: The piece that is broken is the plastic "hat " that sits on the switch. Unfortunately, the part is treated as a single component.
OK, thanks for the update.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
I wonder if this would work...
Not sure if this means anything or even applies to this application:
FAA Approved
And another that says it can be used on certified aircraft:
$329 for some molded plastic and a switch...ouch!
Is there no way to reattach the hat with some superglue or something while you look for a more permanent solution?
Jim M.
Based at BUU
I Googled dipole switches and found several including two rocker style the most expensive which was $19.84 plus tax. There is no legitimate reason for a simple switch to cost in excess of $300.00.
I had to replace the spring in my yoke switch many years ago. It was finally replaced when the auto-trim autopilot was added. Here is a photo from the replacement drawing.
Jim Torley
1969 Arrow 200
Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)
They say they are machined from aircraft-grade aluminum to eliminate cracking! ;-)
Another answer is to just take it out. We've never found the electric trim in our two Arrows to work all the precisely/great anyway. So having an A&P just properly secure the switch and cover it pretty much solves any issues. The trim wheel is better. Of course, it'd be nice to have, but the cost/benefit of the functionality for us wasn't there.
I am in the same boat now...
Broken electric trim switch that came with Piper Altimatic (Century III C) AP.
I am being told the only fix is to get a used part for insane amount of money. I am starting to think: do I really want to keep throwing money at 40-year old autopilot?
Karol Zadora
PA28RT-201T Turbo Arrow IV
Seattle Area
Many years ago (pre-autopilot) my Arrow trim switch broke and I found this source and replaced the spring. That was all that was required.!https://piperowner.org/talk/uploads/editor/yc/3gnv9xifd5po.jpg
Jim Torley
1969 Arrow 200
Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)
Sorry...I sent this reply to the forum back in October 2019.
Jim Torley
1969 Arrow 200
Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)
The extension was part of the installation of my S-Tec autopilot so you might have your mechanic check with Genesys parts department.
Jim Torley
1969 Arrow 200
Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)
Here is a photo showing the S-Tec autopilot extension on my Arrow:
Jim Torley
1969 Arrow 200
Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)
Thank you, Jim! Unfortunately, my switch is different, it is part of Century AP installation. My mechanic tried to fix it, but it didn’t work, the contacts are too worn out, apparently...
Karol Zadora
PA28RT-201T Turbo Arrow IV
Seattle Area
Good luck!
Jim Torley
1969 Arrow 200
Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)
Have you contacted Century Flight Systems? What did they say?
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
I am trying. Will report back when I hear from them.
Karol Zadora
PA28RT-201T Turbo Arrow IV
Seattle Area
Good luck with them. I've had problems working with them over the last few years and I'm hoping you have good results...
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Century got back to my mechanic and offered the switch (with "assembly") for $800. I understand it is a very small market, but still...
I got approval from government (a.k.a. wife) for GFC 500 installation. I think it is a no-brainer
Karol Zadora
PA28RT-201T Turbo Arrow IV
Seattle Area
No surprise from Century. I sent my AI in for overhaul and it was $1500. Time to move on...
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot