Mounting an iPad

I recently bought an iPad Mini which has ForeFlight installed on it.

I am looking for mounting suggestions in my Arrow. Pictures of your iPad mounts are helpful for me to visualize the mount. I have heard there are several different mounting options, but I would like to see them before purchasing any mounting hardware.


Thanks, Bruce
1970 PA28R-200
Manakin Sabot, VA



  • edited March 2022

    Does this help?

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • Looks good Scott. Is that using a RAM mount?

    Thanks, Bruce
    1970 PA28R-200
    Manakin Sabot, VA

  • After a decade of messing with mounts, I just bought a Pivot system for my ride. I also have a Guardian mount being installed in my PA32RT panel as we speak. I’ll have on on the panel, one on the yoke.

    I own and fly a 79 PA32RT-300T. Previous aircraft are a 79 Archer and 76 Arrow.

  • edited March 2022

    I have my mini iPad mounted in an X-Naut cooler with Ram mounts onto the control column. The cooler has batteries or, in my installation, I provide 5 Volts to it and my iPad mini (since this photo I added a second G5). The iPad runs cool and is always on external power so I can run it full brightness. I have had no trouble such as overheating in the 5 years I have had this configuration.

    Jim Torley
    1969 Arrow 200
    Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)

  • Bruce, yes, and not very expensive and easy to put on an adjust :)

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • Thanks for the suggestions gentlemen. Think I like the RAM mount setup. Jim - I like the X-Naut cooler!

    Scott/Jim - which model RAM mounts are you using?

    Thanks, Bruce
    1970 PA28R-200
    Manakin Sabot, VA

  • Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • If you are flying IFR, get the RAM mount but mount under the yoke. You can see all the 6-pack instruments but it does block the RPMs.

  • Bruce, In the attached photo you can see how I mounted my iPad mini BUT there are a lot of words behind the music! The Ram mount is a clamp on the control column with a double joint to a short arm to the X-Naut cooler. The hose clamp keeps the unit from sagging which it was prone to doing because of vibraion and the long "arm" moment. You can also see a curly cord with a USB connector. That modified cord provides 12 VDC (fused) to the 12 VDC to 5 VDC converter you see Velcro-ed to the back of the X-Naut. That converter provides full time 5 VDC to the iPad and the cooler fans.

    In the time I have had this configuration I did rotate the X-Naut 180 degrees so that the iPad charging port is up because I thought I might accidentally hit it with my leg and break the connector. Simply rotate the iPad image and lock it so that it doesn't move with control wheel motion. I have no trouble seeing the tach or other instruments with this configuration.

    Jim Torley
    1969 Arrow 200
    Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)

  • edited March 2022 more thing. The Ram mount I use on the control column is this:

    RAM® Strap Hose Clamp Ball Base
    Part#: RAM-B-108BU UPC: 793442110818

    And here is the part that connects to the X-Naut:

    RAM® Double Socket Swivel Arm
    Part#: RAP-200-2U UPC: 793442940187 Patented

    Jim Torley
    1969 Arrow 200
    Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)

  • I have an ipad pro and use a leg strap - it is too big to be on the yoke. The Achilles heel of the ipad (any type) is they shut down in hot weather and direct sunlight is enough to heat them up. I also recommend an antiglare screen shield.

    Eric Panning
    1981 Seneca III
    Hillsboro, OR (KHIO)

  • Eric, I agree about the anti-glare screen. I put one on my GNS 530 and the GPS 396 as well as the iPad mini. Thanks to the X-Naut I have never had a shutdown of the iPad even here where the sunlight is INTENSE.

    Jim Torley
    1969 Arrow 200
    Based at KFLY (Colorado Springs, CO)

  • Hi Jim, I have has a couple inflight shutdowns depending on the plane, altitude and sun. The x-naut is a good idea. Apple should make an active cooled iPad with a sunlight readable (high brightness) screen. Would sell very well to anyone using a tablet outdoors (or in a plane, boat, etc)).

    Eric Panning
    1981 Seneca III
    Hillsboro, OR (KHIO)

  • edited March 2022

    Photos are from when I bought the PA-32.

    Not sure why they clocked 90* and perhaps a Moderator is able to fix the photo orientation and remove this comment when / if applicable. [Ed. Note: Moderator here, the photos below are now orientation-corrected.]

    Have a bit more space on the panel and a previous owner put an iPad Mini mount in the middle. But this will not really work in a PA-28. Never mind that the mount covers a DME display as the DME was removed by a PO.

    The left yolk also came with the Velcro hooks on it (another add by a PO) and I use a secondary Android tablet at this location. At first I tried the RAM with high expectations, but this was just a bit unwieldy and either blocked instruments or was too low and hit against my legs. So the RAM lasted exactly one flight. After I sucked-it-up and put Velcro on the Android tablet's back, things were great as I could easily secure the tablet in a usable position without blocking instruments.

    FWIW, this dual tablet configuration allows me to put situational awareness stuff like weather, GPS routing, and terrain / hazard awareness on the iPad Mini, and Geo-referenced approach plates on the yolk's Android tablet.

    So while a longer tale with possibly non-applicable information than what was originally asked, the short version is I find a simple solution of Velcro on the yolk as great solution for holding the tablet.

    Agree with comments about supplying power from the aux jack to the tablet, but from a different perspective. Lithium batters are life limited by the number of cycles, so no need to prematurely eat into the tablet battery's lifespan when a power supply is available.

    Regarding heat shutdowns, the iPad Mini in the simple panel mount (first photo) went completely cross country (including along Gulf Coast States) in Summer temperatures without any signs of stress. Cabin temperatures were in the low 80's F, along with direct daytime sun, as we decided to limit A/C use in favor of range. Granted every aircraft is different in terms of cabin airflow. Point is, good ventilation of any kind will help the electronics.

    Only thing keeping me from going with something like an integral panel mount is that the fruit company has a reputation of changing things around, and I do not want to pay for panel surgery every few years as an add-on cost of a tablet replacement. Just say-in :)

  • I like the velcro idea. I think I have enough surface area in the center of my yoke to mount the Mini. I'll buy some velcro and give it a try. If I do not like how it fits, I can then go with a RAM mount.

    Thanks, Bruce
    1970 PA28R-200
    Manakin Sabot, VA

  • Hi Bruce,
    I'm interested in seeing what the velcro does. My guess is that the plane bounces enough that it won't work, but I'm curious to find out. Good luck!

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • The Velcro strips are 2”x4” and cost about $1. So, at that price it is worth a look. The only pitfall is the Velcro is not TSO’ed. 😉

    The Velcro I purchased is rated for a 10 pound load. I would guess it will take some serious “bumps” to cause it to break loose. We will see and report back.

    Thanks, Bruce
    1970 PA28R-200
    Manakin Sabot, VA

  • Not exactly what you're asking, but I wanted to throw in my agreement with others that the X-Naut cooling case is a game-changer if you're in a hot environment. I live in The Florida Keys and my Ipad mini constantly overheated until I got the X-Naut. I haven't had an overheat since. I have it RAM mounted to the yoke.

  • Here are photos of my iPad mini 5 and the RAM mount I use in my Saratoga II HP. I mount with the arm over the center of the yoke. Only a small portion of my HSI is obscured when in flight. I feel that having the mounting arm below the yoke positions the ipad very low, meaning that I have to look almost straight down to read it, and this head movement isn’t a good item for instrument flying.
    I also feel that size and weight make the RAM mount and mini the best solution for the me. I own an iPad Pro and a RAM X-mount, but I do not like 1. The amount of panel obscured and 2. The weight of the larger ipad-X-mount combination on the yoke.
    I’ve used iPads in my flying since the first EFB became available about 12 years ago. I’ve had very few instances of overheating and shutting down. The current generation of iPads are very readable in all but the brightest sunlight.
    BTW, when I fly IFR, I have my iPhone and iPad Pro with me as backup sources if my mini should fail.

  • Great job, thanks for posting the pics :)

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • I mount my ipad Pro 9.7 to pilot side window on a my go flight compact suction mount MNT-1813 and the mountable case that is compatible with the mount. Ran a power cord from panel mounted outlet on passenger side. Velcroed it under lip of glare shield. Position gives me clear view of all instruments. Similar to where 310 Pilot has his mounted. Works well for me.

  • I've tried a number of possibilities and for the past two years used the RAM under the yoke method... until I find something better.


  • You guys have provided some great information. Makes me realize how little i know about flying in a EFB environment.

    For now, I will hold off on the X-Naut cooler. I live in central Virginia; July and August are our warmest months. My experience in the summer is once I am above 3000' things cool off nicely.

    I will try the velcro mount on the yoke first. If that fails, I'll get a RAM yoke mount.

    On a separate topic, I just bought a USB hub that plug into the cigarette lighter. It has two power hubs...a USB-A and a USB-C. It should give me some power to the iPad and Stratus.

    Thanks, Bruce
    1970 PA28R-200
    Manakin Sabot, VA

  • edited March 2022

    Sorry, not anywhere close to the Archer to take a pic, but I put one of these “Steelie Magnets” on the back of my 9” Ipad,

    Then I cut the very top off of a carriage bolt and attached the dome to the emblem on the yoke with Gorilla Tape double sided adhesive tape. It’s been there for 6 years.

    It’s really easy to take on and off, and is far enough from the compass that it doesn’t swing it. You do have to lock the screen rotation of course.

    Another bonus, it works on the boat, too!

  • Do you have any issues with the window bowing in?

    I own and fly a 79 PA32RT-300T. Previous aircraft are a 79 Archer and 76 Arrow.

  • I just had a new panel put into my archer. I purposely left the right side open, and put a my go flight mount directly to the new panel. I did this to work with both my pivot case for my iPad with an additional adapter as well as being able to use my area 660 with the same mount.

  • Very nice panel, love the switches :) You did a great job!

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • Nice panel dillan! Also like your yokes. 👍️

    Do you have a #2 Nav/Com? Looks like one is under the 430, but I can not be sure. Sorry for the off topic diversion.

    Thanks, Bruce
    1970 PA28R-200
    Manakin Sabot, VA

  • This is my new panel in my Dakota, I have an air gizmos mount with cooling fan in the panel,I also have another iPad mini that I use on the yoke with a mygoflight system and so far I have no complaints.I have even placed my iPad Pro 11 on the yoke with no issues since I don’t have the typical instrumentation locations anymore.

    Sorry about the extra photos,that was a mistake!

  • Ok, color me jealous!

    Beautiful panel flyboy. 😎

    Thanks, Bruce
    1970 PA28R-200
    Manakin Sabot, VA

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