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September 2024

What’s inside…

8 Featured Plane
Piper Comanche 260C
The Only Plane for Me
By Chuck Burgar

18 Avionics
Affordable Quality
By Bob Hart

22 Thank You to Our Members
Fourth Annual Dinner with Members a Success

24 Sky Talk
Can’t Go Back
By Scott “Sky” Smith

26 Shattering the Silence of Mental Health
By Laurie Eistein Koszuta

32 Electrical System Anomalies and Failures
Or, When the Lights Go Out!
By Joel A. Turpin, ATP CFII FAA Master Pilot

38 Airplane Cable Tensions and Control Surface Rigging
By Jacqueline Shipe A&P/IA

46 Hangar Tip
Show us Your Plane
Annual Calendar Just Around the Corner
By Diana Jones

Member Activity
41 Member Q&A

6 From the Publisher
45 Ad Index & Website Directory

On The Cover: Chuck Burgar’s Piper Comanche 260C. Photos courtesy of Jack Fleetwood (