
Author: Piper Owner Society

Pipers Magazine May 2017

Lightspeed Aviation & the Evolution of the Modern Headset by Bob Hart, NextGen Update: Did you know? by Scott Sherer, Panel Annals Part 2: “Out with the Old” by Tom Machum, Instrument Approaches and Departures from Uncontrolled Fields by Joel Turpin, Featured Plane Piper Chieftain: The Popsicle Run by Bill Cox, The RIGHT way to Clean Your Yoke Tubes by Scott Sherer, Engine Break-in: Easier than You Think by Bill Cox, “Training? I don’t need no stinkin’ training!” by Scott “Sky” Smith, Circle of Flight The “Purple” Line by Tom Machum

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Pipers Magazine April 2017

The new BasicMed and what it means (to most of us) by Jim Cavanagh, The Commercial Practical Test by Scott Sherer, Panel Annals Part 1: Forming a Plan by Tom Machum, How to Save Oil & Get Rid of a Messy Belly Once and for all! by Scott Sherer,
Guardian Avionics delivers a breath of fresh air in war against carbon monoxide by Bob Hart, Featured Plane Piper Malibu/Mirage by Bill Cox, Undervalued Value by Scott “Sky” Smith, “Deviant Behaviors” by Tom Machum

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Pipers Magazine March 2017

A Commercial Ticket at Age 65! Never Say Never by Scott Sherer, How I made my Seneca II look like a Seneca V by Scott Sherer, Bundle your “baby” with a custom cover from Bruce’s! by Scott Sherer, New Ideas & Equipment for 2017 by Bob Hart, Featured Plane Piper Apache by Bill Cox, Breaking the Chain by Joel Turpin, Tracking Trends by Tom Machum

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